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Editor's Note: Live, Laugh, and Advocate

Editor's Note: Live, Laugh, and Advocate


HEY, LIFESAVERS! (except for the hospice nurses)

I’m beyond excited that you’re here for another round of inspiration, laughter, and all things nursing.

As we dive into this second issue of Nurse Blake Magazine, let’s take a moment to soak up the theme that brings us all together: Live, Laugh, and Advocate! In the midst of the challenges we face, let’s not forget to find joy in the moments that remind us why we chose this profession.

Keep caring, keep finding the small things to laugh about, keep hydrating, and keep holding for pharmacy…

One of the highlights of this issue is NurseCon at Sea, an epic event that took place on a cruise ship in the breathtaking Bahamas in April. Imagine nurses from every corner of the world gathering for a fun-filled adventure, education, and awesome memories. Believe me, the energy on that ship was off the charts!

Our Nurse of the Quarter is none other than one of my esteemed award recipients for Professor of the Year. You will be inspired by this incredible nurse who is taking the world of nursing education by storm!

Check out the badass nurses, amazing caregivers, and fierce advocates who are standing up and striking for change. Going on strike is not easy, but it’s 100% worth it when we’re fighting for what’s right.

Now, let’s talk snacks! Raise your hand if you love indulging in deliciously junky treats during those long shifts. In this issue, Nurse Becky dishes up her all-time favorite snacks. Your taste buds will thank you for it… yea, but not your weight or your heart, for sure.

Oh, and let’s not forget about our super cool Ask Nurse Blake section. Think truth or dare, without the dares.

In our Off the Clock section, give it up for an incredible nursepreneur. This passionate nurse not only rocks it in her nursing career but also runs her small business on the side.

Hey! If you haven’t been told lately, you’re doing a fantastic job, and the impact you make in the lives of others is epic!

Keep caring, keep finding the small things to laugh about, keep hydrating, and keep holding for pharmacy… because, who knows, they might just surprise you and pick up the phone.

With love and laughter

Nurse Blake